Originally Posted by ProDriver77
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro2 (Sprint): Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
I had this issue with another ROM at one time. Are you sure you're on X's latest (4/22/10) build? I know it's not on the OP, but I'm sure someone could post a link to the new one.
Oh yeah, I'm definitely running the newest build. I even flashed it twice. Like I say, no big deal, I'll keep using it, but it's there for me. Another graphical glitch I get on occasion is on exiting the outlook view for text messaging after sending a message. The text that is on the screen will duplicate itself offset about 100 pixels or so to the right. Looks weird, but it's gone after about 5-6 seconds. Again, it's a non issue, just thought I'd bring them up in case anyone cares.