Thread: modem as phone
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Old 05-23-2010, 04:16 AM
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Re: modem as phone

Originally Posted by wildpig View Post
So you have to have active sync to work with ics? I only got activesync on one computer. This business of using activesync with ics is bothering me.

Don't know why it can't be a solution like wmodem where when you connect your phone to the computer, the computer detects it as a modem. Then you tell it to dial in and connect using that modem.

I potentially see other things which i don't like about this business of using activesync and ics.

Am i the only one having this view?
why is everything such a struggle with you??? You want it to work, people are telling you how, you are just not listening. what is wrong with activesync. you don't have to register or anything, just have the program on your computer. I don't sync with it at all, but I can tether.

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