Re: 100.00 Rebate are you eligible?
Guys, *READ READ READ* VERY important info here!!
You *ARE* eligible for this rebate even if you purchased the phone outright for full retail cost, without any contract extension. I had bought a Touch Pro 2 with contract extension in Oct. '09, as such I was nowhere near getting any kind of upgrade discount. I walked into a store and paid $529 + tax for a new Inc., and was told flatly that I definitely was NOT eligible for any rebate. They even put on my receipt "(Rebate NOT Eligible)".
But I followed the link above, entered my information, and was APPROVED for the $100 rebate card, got my form printed out, and will mail my stuff off tomorrow!!
Considering I sold my TP2 for $300, plus this $100 rebate, brings my total price paid to ~$150.... not bad at all considering a) I got an upgrade after only 7 mos and b) I didn't need to sign over yet more of my life to VZW!
That made my night, thanks guys.