Originally Posted by myshinynewtouch
AWESOMEEEE.... got it to work.. christian - thanks a ton - had to go thru some crap yesterday, where i accidentall pressed on update PRI, which caused my data profile to be corrupted, had to flash to stock, then back to rootrom today (after which i found a thread where i realized, i need not have flashed to stock)... so for future sprint guys using this ROM - NO DONT INSTALL DCD CARRIER CAB and DONT CLICK ON UPDATE PRI...
anyway to update the cities for the weather? my town is not in the list, any pre-built app already cooked in or do i have to download some weather editor?
for the weather there is the one that is updated by google or something which is called my location (never really accurate) but to get one city and one city only go to the weather tab hit menu then add location type in the info. then go to today screen or home screen and press ur clock and then select ur city from that list and u will always have that city on the today screen.