Originally Posted by gTen
Well the problem with the snapdragons is their not so impressive GPU..but the hero doesn't even use the GPU so....By December there will be no point in getting the EVO as there will be 2 more 4g phones probably with better specs..maybe the Samsung Galaxy S >.>..now the GPU on that is good.
But as it stands EVO is at least 2x better then a hero
I will still get a evo around dec only cause by then there will be a thousand mods and roms by then..
I dont care to play games that require a gpu on my phone,lol i mean paper toss is bout the only game i play..So in reality my oc'd hero will do all the things i would do on the evo the same.. text, email, facebook, weather radar..etc.. youtube once in a blue moon.. but thats bout it..oh and listen to mp3's or stream last.fm.. so right now 450 bucks save ( for me anyway ) on hype. as my hero will do all those tasks the same as the evo. just on a smaller screen.lol