Originally Posted by accessing
Well I saying choosing the clear storage option but that way works too. Same result. Pagepool determines the space for the rom against the space for your free memory. The bigger the pagepool, the more fluid the rom runs. Less freezing but it may be at the cost of battery life. I usually include a poolchanger with the rom. You can use it for any rom you decide to flash.
Ok so the lower the page pool the better the battery life? I really like battery life and this rom is doing better than others I have tried.. Energy/Mightrom4/6 but it still drains like crazy.. 10% an hour or so without doing anything on it. Seems when it gets to 60% it stays there a long time..
Also, wondering if you are working on a cab for the "add appointment" bug?
Need that badly as I am a busy mofo..
One more thing. Windows media player 10 wont play my music. It gives me an error and says check the system files for error details,, or something like that. I just tried again and seleceted a different song.. It played.. So only some of my music plays in Windows Media Player.. But they play in Pockettunes and included Nitrogen. Do I need codecs or something?
Thanks for the rom