Originally Posted by burtonsnow8
A lot of the smartphones these days are media oriented. This brings some of that media functionality to the normal business aspect of WinMo.
Can you expand on this? What types of media functionality? Do you mean like watching SprintTV? is there something specific built into sense that does this particularly well?
In 6.1, it appeared to me that TF3d did little more than provide a "skin" for WMP, didn't expand any functionality or anything, it was still the lousy WMP at the core...? So I didn't bother to even try it out in 6.5, especially since PocketPlayer does fill my needs, but maybe what's in Sense would be better than PP?
The only thing I can think of that I'd like to use my phone for re: media would be as a remote control (ie. for mediamonkey, xbmc, stuff like that), and even that would only be occasionally.
Since I don't use my phone for email (well, I do, but I just view it via google ap over opera and don't bother downloading anything to my phone), maybe that's why I'm not interested? I just put a link to SMS on my Today screen in WinMo and I'm done...although I use Google Voice, so I organize my messages from a pc and just delete anything that comes to my phone after I've read it.
I don't know...just trying to understand...it just feels to me that sense is an extra layer of complexity that I've sort of written off as useless...But since so many people want it, there's got to be something there....