For all those on stock Sprint 6.5 tp2 rom and that complain
Hello, this is not to bash anyone, and yes the 6.5 stock Sprint rom does have issues, of which I have made htc aware of, the rep said that if enough people email the support and/or call in that it would help out getting something done to fix it (the more people that complain to them the better. I myself am not on stock, but if you are and aren't willing to flash a custom rom or build your own, for what ever reasons (work, new to winmo and scared of messing up ur phone, etc), then dont make useless threads here complaining about it (however they are entertaining), but contact the proper people that can actually do something to fix the issues you are having with your phone or flash back to 6.1. Complaining in a forum does not do anything to fix the issues you are complaining about.
Mods Please move to the proper area of the tp2 forum. Didnt realize i posted in rom updates.
Last edited by insomniac; 05-21-2010 at 09:07 AM.