Originally Posted by SBR_L3GION
where did u get ur kitchen and if u could pkz help in the building of it cuz im still a newb to this kinda thing and would like 2 kno wht i need for tht kinda thing
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then download any rom, if it came with the RUU just get the *.nbh out of there and move it to the dogguy kitchen folder and then double click on prepit.bat after that go on head and wait after it is all extracted there should be a OEM, SYS, and ROM folder just stick any OEM's you have and put it in the OEM folder and then hit buildos.exe and pick the oem's you want and then after its done having no errors hit buildit.bat and then after that your new RUU_signed.nbh will be in the RUU foulder that is included in DogGuy's kitcen