Originally Posted by 2 Bunny
Sorry for the newbish question in the midst of such an exciting thread, but on your different templates, can I pick WM 6 vs. 6.5, or do I have to use the one picked by default by that template?
- 2 Bunny
When you cook up a rom, the EXT build, XIP build, and the SYS build must all match. Wha tKen was doing with the .erv file (template), was showing you all the necessary stuff for a proper build, but still allowing your personal preferences when it came to applications, etc. So the short answer is that if you want a 6.1 rom, then you need to change all three parameters, which will in turn require adjustments in other areas. When Ken started this thread, he did provide a 6.1 (sys 21055) .erv, but he's chosen not to support it, in favor of all the newer systems. Hope this helps ...