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Old 05-20-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: Qik Not Ready???

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
I know Qik is an app. But during the Evo 4G party, I remember a person asking about the video conferencing feature and the Sprint representative said that the Qik app will have Evo specific features.

So I assumed Sprint and Qik would be working side by side on the "Evo specific features."

So I'm just confused. If its something that you can download from the Market, then I'll take it. I thought it was something that was going to come pre-loaded. I'm just surprised its not done yet.
yeah you are correct, qik is getting their name out there because of sprint, they should have this app working flawless. The regular qik app for android works but there is a special app for the evo which will utilize the front facing camera.
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