Originally Posted by mlambert77
Ok, color me stupid here, but I have a couple questions.
1: What is com5?
2: Well..how has it been lately?
Sorry for the probably stupid questions, but I have no idea.
You're probably not going to get a response from deck as he hasn't been around much lately, guess he's having personal issues and has been for a while, he drops in every great once in a while and drops a new ROM and that's about it.
The only way I know to describe the different com's are that com3 was a WM6.5 ROM and a com5 is a WM 6.5.5 ROM, which if you haven't messed with 6.5.5 ROM's they are finger friendly, have the menu and stuff on the button instead of the top left corner like in a 6.5 ROM, that's the only way I can explain it, I'm not using it so I don't know how it's running, but there haven't been any complaints from the people that have flashed to it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Hope that helps.