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Old 01-16-2007, 06:46 PM
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99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep99accordv6 is halfway to VIP status based on rep
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Hey fellas and ladies ..

Here is my today screen as of today

I just need to get phone alarm (maybe)

Because I like it clean and simple like mine

So if anyone needs my settings ill post them up later on


Remember 3-19-10, Sprint Winmo 6.5 release date

I <3 Android