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Old 05-20-2010, 12:56 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Review!!

Originally Posted by ace741 View Post
try to convince myself how much better life will be with the EVO to try to justify the huge plan price increase, but I think I'm starting to trick myself. In a few months the giddyness of having the EVO will probably wear off like every other phone I've had, but I'll be stuck with an expensive plan. Anyone else in the same shoes? Or am I the only one feeling like this LOL. Feel like I have the angel and devil sitting on my shoulders, the devil telling me to buy the evo and the angel telling me I need to save my money.
its just you, and others who dont fall into the pre-release-hype. you dont want it if you gotta harp on everything negative. (losing signals in a building, what you TP2 never had a sucky signal somewhere and started roaming?) it wont be perfect, nothing ever is. but its a HUGE deal because its new. yes the initial hype may boil down after its release, but this doesnt seem like the type of phone that will fall off the meter. Its like iPhone caliber right now. Peole will love it or love to hate it. It aint goin no where, unless they start exploding in people pockets. Wait for the few months for people who dont like it as much as they thought and scour ebay/CL for one used and price is knocked down a lil. but the sprint fees aint goin no where. But like anything new, u gotta pay to play man. You want that luxury/performance, u gonna spend a lil more for it. American way.
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