Originally Posted by tt7
-Native exchange calandar support
-I am not looking forward to converting my .lit book collection to .epub
-easy tethering work arounds
-hardware keyboard (Most of all!)
i use MS exchange through google and it syncs my calendar just fine
Originally Posted by stroths
I will miss the keyboard, wifirouter (until Froyo 2.2 anyways)
no need for 2.2..once its rooted everything will be fine and free... also theres an app called Easy Tether thats for unrooted android devices.. its $10 bucks i believe..small price for big results
Originally Posted by searcher61
I will miss...being able to install programs to my SD card. I know they say it's coming but who know when. Then you have to wait until Sprint upgrades the ROM....We all know how good they are at that....ex: TP2 6.5 upgrade...Hero 2.1 upgrade.... I was all ready to make the jump.... but am rethinking now. Just because of this issue. I have many friends/family on other android phones...and they get low memory warnings all the time.
cant install apps to SD?? you sure on that?? either way im running Dual Boot on my TP2 so i have and use android daily... android uses .apks not cabs.. the biggest one ive downloaded so far is like 300k... the EVO has 2 the stroage space as a TP2 so i dont think space is gonna be an issue.... dont download 500 apps and you wont have an issue lol
Originally Posted by stangdriver52000
I love the evo for the hardware... but I am not willing to leave winmo. Just got my wife the samsung moment, and it is nice, but IMHO android lacks the tweekability that winmo has got me use to. So I think I will hold out and hope for a 4g device running winmo 6.5, windows phone 7 looks like a dissapointment to me
come on now... there Wont be another 6.5 release.. 6.5 is dead..expect maybe a 6.5 device for the few carriers lets that may not have one yet and thats it... 6.5 is all about forgotten now.. its on to win phone 7(sucks).. but thats the reality.... expect the next round of 4G devices to be Android and Win Phone 7 from now on