Regarding the HTC_performace cab that claimed it could overclock our processor from the native 520mhz to 624mhz, I've got some results from the spb benchmark utility that Boushh suggested earlier. I haven't read the spb forum thoroughly to dissect the results but maybe this screenshot of four different setups can help the community to determine if this cab is giving us almost 20% more cpu power. I originally did this on NRGZ's 23569 cookie 051610 ROM and I am with Sprint. I also ran the utility on the 21903 which returned a higher SPB Benchmark index rating if anyone is interested.
I ran the benchmark fresh after a flashdance at both the native processor and then the tweaked 624mhz after installing the and a soft reset, then again after a soft reset after installing 5 cabs and using BsB Tweaks and turning all 3 of the graphics options on (NoPushInternet_v2,,, 02_nueBattery2TP2CDMA-122-v1.2-cab, and All were tested with over 50% battery.
and the next is the overclocked:
I will send an email attachment with the original four tests side by side that is more legible if anyone is interested, just PM me.