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Old 05-19-2010, 04:50 PM
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The TP2 turned out to be a pretty good phone

So, if you're like me, next month you get to play with the Evo4g as much as you want... and I honestly can't wait to get my hands all over that phat screen with the 1ghz processor on board .

But before I could bid farwell to WinMo or WinPhone 4EVER, my TP2 broke down with the now plague like sleep screen of death. I took it in to sprint and got another TP2 pretty much brand new. With about two weeks to Evo4g, I've decided to give WinMo6.5 the new owners treatment by visiting its marketplace, using some of the new and official apps available, tweaking out the interface, just about anything to try and make this transition period barable (the wait is KILLING ME).

I've grown to dislike the TP2 prior to now. Not cause it sucks, its better than any phone I've ever had, but when compared to these new phones i see in the blogs, its very much.. meh... but now that i think about it, this phone is pretty awesome.

High res display, super good speaker, decent battery life, full web minus flash,some pretty great free apps from market place, music player anytimewith multitasking... besides the larger screen, appstore, and camera, im not really getting much of an upgrade, not to mention how great this keyboard feels. I'm typing this up on my TP2 and i still cant see how im going to live without this key board when i txt like all the time. (and oh yeah, snapdragon upgrade, how did i forget lol)

Well, just incase you wantanother phone right now and all you have is the TP2, DON'T RUSH IT!! You still have one of the best phones on the market. Honestly, I dont think betters coming till the Samsung Galaxy S Pro drops, but that qwerty sexy phone might not make it to my carrier

If your waiting on your next phone, sip some tea and take a look at the great stuff M$ has put together, along with an upgrade to mightyrom, or any of the other chef specials, its like having an all new device
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