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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 02:35 PM
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Re: The Verizon Rom Experiment - 6.1 with sense2.5

Test the Rom Access and it works great! I haven't seen a VZ phone start yet at 58% and hover around 70% with 2.5. The ROM booted up quickly and it seemed like most of the build worked. A couple things I found: There was an error with the audio tab - Audio Manager_eng is not a valid PocketPC file and then as you mentioned the album program crashes constantly and is very buggy. The baseline programs that come with the VZ ROM crash often (Opera 9) and I get a startup error from shell32. SMS messaging does seem very buggy and in the HTC contact I couldn't send a text message.

After applying your tweaks to this I Think it will breathe life into the TP's for all the Verizon users. Cutting out the bloatware would help and adding the tweaks from your ROM would make it fantastic (manila locker, icons, color scheme, tweaks etc...)

Great work! Thanks for all your effort!
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