Originally Posted by vin255764
For me it sounds not so bad  .Shipped ROM does the same.
Originally Posted by rileyd5
I would give it a couple charging cycles. I took mine off at 7:30am. and been using it heavily through lunch. push email and tons of data probably 1.5hrs and it was sitting at 50%. If I had email set to 30 min, and used it moderately, I would probably be around 80%.
I mean compared to some ROMs battery has lasted about 13 to 14 hours. This ROM I am lucky to even get 7 or 8. That is barely a full shift at work. My wife text me just a few minutes ago and said she is down to 50% already and she has had her phone off the charger since 10:00 this morning and its now turning 2:00. That is good?? In 4 hours the battery is half way dead?? That does not sound good to me. I mean is there something I am doing wrong? Its sad when you have a phone but dont want to use it for the sake of conserving battery for longer than a 7 hour period. I cant even talk on my phone without it dropping 10-20%.
Edit: Maybe I will have better luck with V2 cuz just flashed it today.