Originally Posted by monkeygod
Which box did you check for nueBattery? Just the "Enable Fast Charge" correct? Also do you happen to have any other battery tips beside the ones listed in the other thread? I seemed to have problem with the shaolin cab as well in regard to BT. Thanks in advanced.
I check the enable fast charge and the dont round to 10% (so I get 1% readings).
I quit using the cabs because they did somethings I wanted but other things I didn't. So I just went through them and picked out reg settings that deal with polling, error reporting, and timeouts. I just import those in Sashimi with each flash. I attached the reg settings so you can look through them if you want.
BTW - For some reason the "Thanks" button disappeared on everyones post. Is it just me? I can't see a "Thanks" button for anyone, anywhere.
Does anyone have a cab to re-install the "Thanks" buttons on the forums... I think I broke mine.