Originally Posted by spetrillo
Unless I am totally wrong Internet Sharing allows for the use of your phone's modem. Is that not what you are looking for? I did not include Modem Link since I thought that is what Internet Sharing does. Help!?!?
I will look into CHT Lockscreen, as I do not use it to lock my screen. I use what I think is a vastly superior product in S2U2.
Modem Link allows my phone to connect to VZ Access Manager - which is Verizon'z only approved way of tethering your device to your computer. Internet Sharing allows me to connect - but it does not allow me to connect via Verizon's officially sanctioned method. Of course using a custom rom isn't high on their officially sanctioned list is it? But if you are going to continue to make improvements - I would appreciate a version with Modem Link working.
So S2U2? Well, it must work well with this rom. It is free isn't it? And it can be mapped to a quick link? I will give it a try.
thanks for working with me.
When are you going to put a donation link in case someone wants to buy you a coke?