Originally Posted by maisonpulaski
Ok - so yes - I do get the 3 options. I can connect to the internet with the internet sharing option.
But we may not be on the same page. If you never use Modem Link then it may be hard to explain (or maybe you understand and I just don't). In the Windows directory there is Modem Link.lnk. If you hit that it brings up a program that is entirely different then the program you get with USB to PC.
I pay Verizon $30 a month for 5G of data for phone as modem. I do that bc I am afraid they will see my data usage with the CM Wifi and bust me. So Verizon offers a program for my desktop called VZ Access Manager. I run Modem Link. Plug in via USB. Run VZ Access and then connect to the web. Well, now I only get an error.
"Connection failed - there was a hardware failure in the modem (or other connecting device) error 692."
So Internet Sharing option works. Modem Link does not (and yes I plugged in the USB hit the 3rd option etc.) I know Modem Link works on at least one custom rom (MyCleanImagio).
Any ways - if you can think of something - great. If not - say la vi (or however you spell it).
Oh yeah - is there way to place the CHTLockScreen on one of my quicklinks? I tried DeviceLock.exe but that was the stock one. I know you can hit Menu\Lockscreen, but it takes like 10 minutes for the menu to scroll up.
Unless I am totally wrong Internet Sharing allows for the use of your phone's modem. Is that not what you are looking for? I did not include Modem Link since I thought that is what Internet Sharing does. Help!?!?
I will look into CHT Lockscreen, as I do not use it to lock my screen. I use what I think is a vastly superior product in S2U2.