Originally Posted by daniel0260
Ok, so I'm trying to understand what happened.
You were out of contract (or in contract and your lines were expiring soon) so you signed another two years for $70 each?
Well if that was the case, then you can still be in contract and still have the upgrade eligibility like I do. So my question is, when did you buy the TP2s?
The reason I am asking is because when Sprint offers you the $70 to re-sign, they don't give you the subsidized price of the phone (if you choose to buy a phone at the time you are accepting that offer). Its an either-or type of deal they offer.
EDIT: Nvm, I see what you did. Didn't see the date of the $70 offer until now.
Well, you still have the $75 upgrade price. If you have spare gift cards for Best Buy or Radio Shack, that should help.
Another way to get gift cards are credit cards. I have points set up on my Chase and Discover credit cards for every dollar I spend on the cards. I usually turn those points into Best Buy gift cards. I usually get around $200-$300 per year out of this.