Originally Posted by supasanch24
I found this on the post on the "Official" Max Sense in themes and software. I sure hope it works on your rom.
Originally Posted by Omegakai
hey quick question it may be kind of stupid but i havent really thought about it enough but here goes is Max Sense and Bignadad Max sense rom are they the same thing or are they to seprate things meaning i could put max sense on any 6.5 rom?
BigMaxROM is my custom ROM with MaxSense cooked in...
You will be able to install MaxSense on Any device running Manila 2.5
even with that being said u have to remember most roms (that run 2.5) are made with 6.5 so if all of his coding was based on 6.5 instead of being univeral it will not work %100 if at all!! try installing the current max manila on my base rom(without theme) to test!! max manila is based off the same coding!!