Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
You seem to be just making this up as you go along, and then pretending it's really my argument. Straw man...
Sprint isn't perfect, and if I don't immediately leave them then it makes me an abused spuse? LOL, whatever man. I'm not a fanboy. I don't have to pretend something is absolutely perfect in every imaginable way to support it.
I'm also not a hypocrite either.
What's that saying: All hat, no cattle = sounds familar to what you've been spewing.
"Sprint's network is slow vs. TMob"
"HSPA+ is faster but I am still going to stick to SPCS cause I luv the handset even though they are charging me a $10/mos fee"
Yeah, lets just bash SPCS 4 out of 5 things & bendover whining. Soooowheeeeeyyy.