Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
And to all the real people out there, don;t let the above fanboy be an example of how you should act: never say anything whatsoever that could possibly be interpreted as a negative comment, otherwise you are spineless for not up and leaving them.
I just call it like I see it. Sprint isn't perfect, but that doesn't make me spineless for still having them. And only a narrow visioned fanboy would ever assume otherwise.
^^^....But I will still buy the EVO for $439 despite all the stuff I don't use or need or deem worthy of my standards. blah blah blah blah.
The $10 shouldn't even matter cause half the stuff isn't up to snuff right?
I call it the way I see it - if the platform is soo bad, what's the phone for then?
You make abused spouse syndrome look tame by comparison.