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Old 05-18-2010, 03:24 PM
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Re: EVO next to Palm Pre LMAO

Originally Posted by Biggnaa20 View Post
Funny enough the size difference is one reason I am kinda iffy on upgrading from the Pre to the Evo. I am not looking forward to trying to keep that thing in my pocket at the local nightclub.
I went to a store to size up an HD2 for myself. I honestly don't think it's all that huge. It went into my pocket easily, and to be fair, I'm used to the weight of a phone with a huge keyboard on the back, this actually felt smaller in my pocket due to not having one.

Womens pants pockets could be a bit tight on the dimensions, but they get purses. I can't see any guys clothing having any problems whatsoever.

Seriously, go to a radio shack and stick the HD2 in your pocket. Even with the cord attached it'll give you a good feel for it.
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