Originally Posted by drksilenc
ok theres ONE major problem with the opening argument... WHERE in the world did u hear ny getting 4g in 2011? thats verizon thats gonna have it there in 2011 within the next 3 MONTH ny will have 4g i work at the company that owns the towers that clear puts antennas on... crowncastle look em up. clear alrdy has an antenna on the empire state building and several other buildings. there in testing stages now and it will be up months sooner than 2011
In addition, declaring what is and isn't a waste of money is completely subjective. I like nice cars, a lot of people think nice cars are a waste of money, not me. It's all preference, what things in life are worth it for you to have for the right price? Obviously this $10 isn't that big of a deal to a lot of people but a huge issue for others. Case and point the EVO is worth $10 a month to me to me and I will be getting one on June 4th. Though I understand that you are not willing to pay this.
On another note, thanks to everyone who keeps opening threads about the $10 add on! Perhaps though, you could just post this in an existing thread and stop reiterating what has been said several times in several threads on this forum.