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Old 05-18-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Please post a link to where I said I a was going to do that.

I just love how all of these Sprint fanboys have such a narrow vision. Just because someone says Sprint isn;t the ONLY carrier that provides a decent service at a decent price that means you must be a Sprint hater who has already committed to leaving Sprint. LOL, whatever man.
Here's what you said:

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
#1: I am not interested in the Nexus One or the HD2. As I said, i need a keyboard.
#2: Both of those phones are way faster than anything else on the market righ tnow. Go watch a few videos before you go spouting off about how they are the same thing I have now, or only caring about looks.
#3: If I wanted an iPhone, I would have had one years ago. And if T-Mobile releases a phone I want, I'll go to T-Mobile in a heartbeat.
I have just one question: What changed your mind about the Evo? You said you needed a keyboard.

And to BrownHornet's point, Salty will go to t-mo if they make a phone worth getting.
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