Originally Posted by wbchristmas
I've task29'd and reflashed so much that my boss thought I had problems with my office lights flashing!
Bad jokes aside.. I've used every arcsoft cab out there except for JD. I would like to try JD if you have a copy laying around any where!
You dont need to install any arcsoft cabs:
Verizon users just run provisioning and Sprint users just need to edit the following 2 reg settings (htc messaging is already disabled and arcsoft is already installed)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\MMSCSetting\SampleMMSC
Change MmscURI key value to "http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms" (without "")
Change all 4 WAP key values to "5120000" (without "")
HKLM\SOFTWARE\ArcSoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\MMSCSetting\SampleMMSC2
Change MmscURI key value to "http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms (without "")
Change all 4 WAP key values to "5120000" (without "")
Boushh set up this cab to make those reg settings for you
BTW - It sets everything at 5mb for you