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Old 05-18-2010, 12:02 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21895 / 23569 | 5/10

Originally Posted by miz@r View Post
I have installed the OMJ_Diamond_Sense_2.5_23569_Co0kie_v1.1 I need to change the PRL but when I go into the config and tell it in wich directory is an pres OK to save and finish the device just goes off.

When I restart and go to see if the changes take effect there are the same as before.

Any help? Please I am having a hard time with call disconections all time.

Specific I need to set a new PRL and to change the Modem seting to Automatic and is set to Sprint only

You need to flash back to stock Sprint ROM change the PRL, then flash to OMJ ROM....

I had this problem too, anything I changed in that area of the phone would not take. So, I flashed to stock changed it, and flashed to OMJ and the changes stuck.
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