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Old 05-18-2010, 02:16 AM
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Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Its like a huge fat lady walking down the street in a bikini, you don't want to look but it is just so ridiculous that you have to just stare and stare and stare. Wow! Your right why am i still in here reading about how some people just want to complain instead of just passing up the Evo. Why, Because I will see this on launch day. As much as they TRY NOT to understand business sense, customers will still be complaining about the $10 charge while buying the phone. Deep down inside these people know its worth it. They are just spoiled and think that their whining and complaining will make people mad enough that in the end the company will sink, giving these foul, rotten people a sense of liberation/satisfaction. Shame on all you whinny ass people, and shame on me for using a fat person illustration. Stop making up your hollow, hateful, slandering, half truth, gimmicky retaliations against the carrier for trying to make money and keep profit up enough to take care of their customers properly. Dan Hesse did not lie, he did not say that premium phones wouldn't come out with premium charge. What he did say was that 4g is going to be cheaper and that Sprint will pass that on to their customers. So if you want to get real nit picky the charge should only be for people that are not in a 4g area, or once 4g is rolled out more then get rid of the $10 premium.
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