Originally Posted by syrguy1969
I live in an area that apparently doesn't have that much of a smartphone population. I haven't seen another customer even looking at them (WM, Android or even BB) muchless talking about them. I do talk to the clerks all the time though, and I agree with you that it is fun to be able to show them a thing-or-two about the newer devices out there. The clerks in the stores I go to either don't know too much about them or won't say if they do (don't get me wrong, I have great experiences and they are great people). I direct people to XDA, a couple Android forums now and here all the time...there are a few computer and PPC tecs floating around in here as a result of our talks in the stores LOL!!!
Can't wait, I'll be watching out for updates as well, but I think it will take longer for us with the Sense on ours, but we will see!!
No wonder the locks on phones have been getting tougher to crack.
Originally Posted by syrguy1969
Gee....where is the report on the shortage of iPads? Or the fact that the Wii couldn't be found in stores for the longest time? (just two examples off the top of my head)
That is part of the sales game. You have any product that is good enough, you will run into a shortage either sooner or later. Sounds like more of a slow news day than a 'real' news item!!! LOL (they can talk and laugh, their 'product' isn't something that can be sold out or become get to a point where they don't have enough to fill the demand) To me that just tells people the Incredible is a good piece of technology that is doing even better than everyone thought....a good thing!!
It's all a controlled shortage. If they had too many to begin with, they wouldn't be able to charge that much for them...
It's basic economics.
Originally Posted by p-slim
thats funny you believe everything you read. You do realize the nexus will have android 2.2 froyo long before evo and incredible ( and when i mean long, i mean 2 months or longer.) Acually if you do a quick google search you will see everyone who is rooted on the nexus one is expecting flash on wednesday at the google i/o. its okay when i'm running flash on wednesday i'll take a couple of screen shots for you. haha
that's about the only good thing about the nexus is the fact that google will update it sooner. but you guys do get to work the bugs out for us...so I don't mind. :P