Originally Posted by Cicatrize
If another carrier is better in your area, why are you on Sprint in the first place? Anyway, you won't have the Evo if you switch.... 
all the carrioers in my area are about equal but if sprint wants to over charge for an evo I might as well consider the competition and see what they have at least if i moved on I wil be able to get more phones more choices and only 10 bucks more to get the best sprint has or go to another. carrier and have more then one choice of a good phone. 4g doesn't matter to me what I want is a 1ghz processor and at least tp2 screen size or bigger. Sprint has on and watch them push back their other releases to see how the evo does with its 10 dollar premium data fee ( which I cant use anyway no 4g here and not scheduled anytime soon)