I've had this problem for awhile on my TP2 and oddly enough, it just wiped away.
Yeah, I've been having this 'rainbow banding' appear across the top portion of my screen. I just went to take a picture of it to post here and oddly enough, it's gone. I figured that my screen protector was insulting my screen thus causing it to cook from the most inside layer out, though all the TP1 owners are saying different.
I really can't believe that my banding is actually gone. I noticed that the screen protector magnified the scale of the banding, but it was surely on the screen itself. When I cleaned my TP2 just moments ago to remove all the build up for a clean looking picture, my banding vanished.
Two weeks ago I did go to Sprint to see if I could get my phone replaced and discuss upgrading to the EVO, when I was actually denied replacement even though I have the $5 a month insurance plan. I become very discouraged with their CSR and their reason for not covering it was that it didn't effect the phones usage. So if this was a rare problem, they would probably cover it no problem. But it seems that this is fairly widespread, to the point that they aren't replacing damaged TP2s because so many are having this issue.
Sprint's customer service has really been getting to me as of lately. I feel like as client I am entitled to some sort of help when I have a problem with either their network or my device. Though sadly the only thing they are ever able to offer me is a hard reset or a polite "sorry, sucks to be you".
I personally would just be happy if my phone wasn't freezing every day and I didn't have to wait 6 months for an outdated OS update.
I doubt I'll ever see an official 6.5.3 ROM from Sprint. :/
If any other Sprint customers actually do get their phones replaced for this issue, if you could post any proof I'd greatly appreciate it. I could probably use this thread if anything.
In the mean time, this issue is nothing new. I remember long ago someone posting in the Android board wondering if this issue was caused by the booting of 2.1 off an unofficial Android handset.
Check out this thread here.
Same thing, the only difference is he refers to it as "Newton's Rings". I personally thing it has a better ring to it then "Rainbow Banding".
It looks like Kern417 linked to this thread there. I also noticed that the model in question is the European TP2, so this seems to be a general problem. Not linked to carriers or region.
Here's the picture from the thread.
I still highly think this has to do with the screen protector.
I mean when I took mine off and cleaned in between both the protector and the screen my 'Rainbow bands' disappeared. I possibly am just looking at this in the wrong light, it's dark out right now but tomorrow I'll give it a check.
So, any ideas?