Okay, I have my Droid on Cricket; talk, text, and web work fine but MMS won't send. I'm not sure if the MMS settings are solely based on the APNs or if there are other settings that effect outgoing MMS. My APN settings are listed below:
Name: Cricket
APN: internet
Proxy: wap.mycricket.com
Port: 8080
Password: cricket
Server: wap.mycricket.com
MMS Proxy: wap.mycricket.com
MMS Port: 8080
MCC 310
MNC 004
Authentication Type: PAP or CHAP
Is anyone able to send MMS using the above settings? Personally I think the MMSC is wrong but I haven't seen an alternative. I'm able to receive MMS just fine but sending fails. Note that I'm not trying to send a large MMS either I'm not even including a picture in my test MMS. The size of the MMS I'm trying to send is 1KB, some people say that they can't send more than 970KB but 1KB should send without any issues or even a delay.