Originally Posted by BatMan01
Yes, phone options - GSM/UMTS. The stock ROM has an option to forward and I have been forced to stay with it until I unstalled one of Entery's latest which is fhe first cooked ROM that I've tried that has it. Both your Black & White and your Color ROM's are "Off The Hook"
Thanks for looking into this....
not sure how to add, but will look into it... thanks for the props!
Originally Posted by mugsy77
I have had random black screen of deaths, also. Normally this would happen to different 23xxx roms for me, but I have had it happen every day on 21901 - once or twice a day. I can't narrow it down easily as I don't install much and what I do install, I know is compatible like Opera Mobile 10, Resco File Manager, and 2 .xml's (wireless and email).
Is this happening to vzw folks mainly? If so, maybe something with provisioning? /shrug
I am VERY impressed at Big's ROMs and will be sticking with his as well as 2 other great chef's ROM's 
not getting the SOD on my device.... after so many times of flashing my ROM's i'm sure its happened, but just not that often for me...
will look into and see what i can find... carrier provisioning might end of having something to do with it... thanks for the lead..
Originally Posted by Biggzz
Coz, this dude has posted the same crap in every ROM thread. SPAM! 
i never even opened the zip... that post didn't look right...thanks biggzz