Originally Posted by tjELITE
Thanks Mordy...gonna miss yeah when you convert to EVO...  ..hehe....
Gonna miss a bunch of yall who are always here helping out as well...
Originally Posted by amcq10
I don't get why it's a CAB version, if you're supposed to unzip and place in a folder..
- Either it's a CAB and it installs
- or it's a .zip file and you unzip it.
Also.. I'm not understanding how placing files in a folder 'anywhere' will speed up your phone... do you have to run something? is it a true CAB which replaces files/reg settings? ...
I'm skeptical until I understand more about how this is truly working and that I'm not going to screw up my perfect MR FF...
Its a exe file, it doesn't do anything, forget about it.