Originally Posted by Dukman
Thanks for your reply. It made me go back and start from scratch. I got confused because I opened the option.xml and it said checked="True". I thought that would do it.
Checked in the option.xml indicates the default check state when you're NOT using a selections.txt. Everyone uses a selections.txt, so this value is essentially ignored.
Originally Posted by Dukman
At first I didn't see the option in the Kitchen list. Once I checked it in the Kitchen, I ran the build and got this:
Scanning USER_OEM\zzzzzOptional_Personal
Compiling Device Manifest
Compiling Files
skipped C:\BuildOS\USER_OEM\zzzzzOptional_Personal\option. xml
hehe - it said it was skipping the option.xml, not the whole OEM! Glad you got it figured out.