Originally Posted by brownhornet
...Sprint's training on the evo and they had confirmed their msrp @ $449 which is why she was able to confirm it. She also said no ads or anything are required since she already knows the msrp (this will probably vary from store to store).
That is a really, really good price. I don't want to admit what I paid for the TP1 out of contract.
Originally Posted by brownhornet
...I went ahead and pre-ordered mine and she said 9 times out of 10 she will get them in the night before (June 3rd) and will start making calls down the list to come pick it up.. (Im #9).
I hope so, they had my (super expensive) TP1 a day early as well. I am #26 on the pre-order list at my local BB store. 3 weeks out, they better damn well get enough stock (at least to match the pre-orders).