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Old 05-17-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: Just my 2 cents on rate plans

Originally Posted by Meanee View Post
I think it's not that it's "EVERYONE" who's bitching and moaning about it. It's just people who frequent this forum. 99% of people who use Sprint, walk up to them and ask them what's SERO. You will get a blank stare.

Problem is, typical forum visitor, be it PPCG, SprintUsers, HowardForums, is much more educated about the way company works. They are the ones with SERO/Retention deals, TP2s they got as an insurance replacement, etc. So among "forum goers", there's definitely a culture of trying to work the system somehow and get something that someone else doesn't have.

I am guilty of that myself. I have 49.99 SERO plan and 27% corp discount. I also have FIMF, free 500 SMS, free picture mail, etc. But I do understand that Sprint is a business. And when everyone was outraged with the fact that Pre only worked on new plans, I could definitely see why Sprint made that decision.

If you think that $10 is the straw that broke camel's back, nobody's forcing you to switch off your sweet plan. You can stay there, you just won't get the Evo. To me, that's reasonable. I am doing OK myself, and I think I can spare extra bucks every month, just to get away from the horrible turd known as Windows Mobile. Some of you may not think this way. And like I said before, nobody's chasing you away from your SERO/Retention offer/EPRP/OMGWTFBBQ plan.

I understand that there's "Pay to Play" policy. You want hottest phones? Pay up. Sprint did not make anything unreasonable. Even with Evo's upcharge, their plans STILL beat anything competition has out there, in pricing and in features.

About 4G whiners, yes, I understand you may think that $10 is unfair. But still, it's lower than anything else out there. And if 4G is not in your area? Yes, sucks, but eventually they will cover you and you will be able to use it. Until then, enjoy kick-ass phone, good service and STILL great price, even after the upcharge.
yea i wud have to agree with u on the fact that its a very small amount of people who even know how to hustle a deal out of sprint. i was comparing prices between verizon & sprint when i came upon the sprintusers web site and read about sero, i called sprint and signed up (without an employee email) for sero right before the 700wx came out. as i proceeded to learn about pda's it became a hobby and i never felt i was cheating sprint with a plan that they gave me! when sprint started regulating which devices can be used with which plan i was never upset or offended, and at the same time i was not gonna give up my plan unless i thought the device was worth it! and i would never get mad if someone begged and pleaded or threatened to leave sprint and got what they wanted from them! good for them! sprint is a business however them deem (legally) to make money they can and you have every right to beef about it! as for me they finally got me with the evo, this the toy i was willing to give up my sero for and the plan is now history...
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