Originally Posted by antjones21
I'm sorry but T-Mobile is just garbage to me. Everytime I go to the mall the T-mobile reps harass me trying to get me to talk to them so they can convince me to switch to their service. There are 4 T-mobile stands, 2 Sprint and 2 Verizon and one At&T in this mall. I never get harassed at any other stand except when I walk past a T-mobile one. If their service is so good why do they have to beg people to join them? Also I dated to females in the past who had t-mobile and their phones would drop calls while they were at home (not even in the basement), to me that's just unacceptable.
This $10 extra charge conversation is just ridiculous, it's $10 dollars who cares. It's not about 4G and even is it was it would kinda difficult to only apply the charge to the people who currently have 4G in their area. But for arguments sake lets say it is for the 4G. I live in Milwaukee but I go to Chicago a lot. I get the EVO and they don't charge me the $10 cuz I live in Milwaukee and 4G isn't here yet but hey I'm in Chicago more than I'm home in Milwaukee and I use the 4G while I'm there but I'm still not paying the $10. Who's getting ripped off now? Sprint would be because I'm using the 4G but not paying for it. So to stop that from happening they charge everyone $10.
Seems a lot of chicks have Tmo. I think it has to do with their company color, pink. And one of the reasons I can't stand it, cause I'm a guy LOL.