Originally Posted by z71chente
Okay, first time doing this but I'm trying to flash my phone with QPST. When I open the program it does not see my phone but I have activesync installed and can access the phone just fine through that. I can even access the files on it through My Computer. Am I supposed to have the phone in diag mode and if so, how do you do that. Also, every forum I search mentions drivers that are needed. I've already downloaded Beezlewaxin's drivers but I have no idea how to use them. I realize these are probably noob questions but have been tryin for a few days at this and after a lot of searching, ive gotten nowhere.  Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
ive flashed a few treo pros to cricket.
1.Yes phone must be it diag mode,
2.you must have your phones MSL,
3.use standard HTC diag drivers
4.and dont try it on a 64-bit OS (it miiight work but...)
also look at these threads