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Old 05-17-2010, 12:36 PM
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Re: soon to be moment owner

Originally Posted by tom6433 View Post
i sold my touch pro in anticipation of the evo, and upon hearing of the $10 premium they wanted me to pay each month i decided against it and opted for a moment. it should arrive in the next few days, so i have a question for you guys. with the release of 2.1, would you say the moment is a decent phone w/o having to root?

as i said, i am coming from a touch pro and if you know nothing about that phone, the only thing you really need to know is that it was a dog unless you really tweaked it. i am hoping to not have to do that as much, if at all, with the moment. i am sure rooting and flashing custom roms will always make it faster, but i really don't want to be a flash junkie anymore. are any of you running the oem 2.1? loving it? hating it?
I couldn't help but laugh when reading your post because this is exactly how I felt after the TP. Talk about a beating! I understand where you are coming from, believe me.

I currently upgraded to 2.1 last Friday. I haven't rooted it and I think it's pretty fast. A lot faster than 1.5 on stock. I eventually rooted the phone and removed some apps that kept popping up just cause it annoyed me. Some will say it will make a difference and it probably does but it's not an absolute must to make the fun run smoothly ( like it was on the TP).

Just make sure you download an app killer from the market place and you will be good to go. It's not NECESSARY but there are only positives for rooting your phone. It's fairly simple and straightforwards to root and you can remove all the bloatware that sprint added.

Right now I'm completely happy with the performance and will probably root my phone eventually, once it becomes a little more clear. I'm not really sure if it's the same as rooting on 1.5, if so, it's really easy.

So thus far, I give it 2 thumbs up. Hope that helps.
Moto Q > HTC Touch Pro > Samsung Moment > Samsung Epic
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