Originally Posted by Cicatrize
I'm not talking about 4G. It's still the best value even if you're using EVDO.
YOU may not be talking about 4G, but THAT is what the fee is for from Sprint. They're CHARGING $10 extra for unlimited cap (which strikes me as funny that they finally openly admit that their "unlimited" meant sort of unlimited) and for 4G service. They're going to load the EVO up with a crapload of useless apps that pull from the network (so they claim) constantly. I'll wait for about 6 months possibly. I'm sure the extra "load" on their system is going to kill them if they're openly admitting that the EVO is going to be pulling data constantly. As always, I'm sure they're underestimating the actual usage and are going to get slammed with users and their usage demands.
I'll be chuckling when they have to remove the $10 fee because they'll have to reneg on their "unlmited" feature when people are streaming entire movies to their phones and choking the network.