Originally Posted by syrguy1969
I live in an area that apparently doesn't have that much of a smartphone population. I haven't seen another customer even looking at them (WM, Android or even BB) muchless talking about them. I do talk to the clerks all the time though, and I agree with you that it is fun to be able to show them a thing-or-two about the newer devices out there. The clerks in the stores I go to either don't know too much about them or won't say if they do (don't get me wrong, I have great experiences and they are great people). I direct people to XDA, a couple Android forums now and here all the time...there are a few computer and PPC tecs floating around in here as a result of our talks in the stores LOL!!!
Can't wait, I'll be watching out for updates as well, but I think it will take longer for us with the Sense on ours, but we will see!!
I was watching CNBC this morning and they were poking fun at HTC & VZW for the shipping delays. They said " you would think they would have enough parts on hand before they started selling the phone, duh".