Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)
I found a cab for Amarullz Qilin Phone Canvas - VGA (it's the Leo Phone Canvas)which works, however, it is not the same as the previous dialer. This dialer looks nice but has the issue where the back button disappears and it does not have the pictures in the call history.
I am attaching the file if anyone wants to use it, but I would still like to know if anyone has the name/installation file of the previous dialer.
Thanks again.
EDIT...Found another version of the dialer which has the back button. It may still show issues with it disappearing, but in the \Windows\Startup folder, there is a link to HTC_PhoneCanvas... which when run, shows the back button again. I am attaching this other dialer as well.
Last edited by hotwired34; 05-17-2010 at 02:19 PM.