Originally Posted by kris926
I had a funky lock problem once that was actually fixed by doing the "align screen" function. Weird! (I'm using S2U2 now)
Also, check to see if the disable touchscreen option is checked under Keyguard settings. It may have defaulted to unchecked.
Hope this helps with that issue.
thanks for the advice/hint but maybe it's just me, i can't find the keygaurd option anywhere on the phone. havent seen it in a while since i have been flasking 6.5 unless it's hidden somewhere. i do remember it being there in 6.1 though with the original rom. hmmmm. tried "align screen" and that didn't change anything. well I'm off to flash this latest 5/15 ROM and give it a spin.
***update: ok seems to me in the 5/15 release, the screen lock during calls is back and the dialer/screen look is back to original. and the ROM runs even smoother than before.
i'll update as soon as i get an incoming call to notify about ringer working correctly with my ringers.