Originally Posted by cOnTaGoUs
WinMo has always been my thing, but Android seems so much nicer, going to be a learning curve, but any advice or ideas will be welcomed
Nice, same here. I was getting bored with wm6.5, and not really liking wp7 all that much, but I figured I'd give it time to mature. I was waiting to see what phoneOS I was going to get when my upgrade came, and well, I've already bought items for my Incredible that I can upgrade to next month (26th).
Which will be a great month since I should have enough $$ that week's paycheck to finally buy the parts for my laptop I'm building! Processor alone will be $1,200!
Originally Posted by cOnTaGoUs
Thanks its gunna take some time to get here, but I just know its going to blow my i910 out the water , Can't wait for root tho...
Thanks for the welcome
Same. But I personally like taking the time before a unlocker/root comes for the phone and exploring every little aspect and mod that I can do to the phone before I get full access to the phone.