Originally Posted by jbh00jh
All I was saying was what's the use to have a 4G phone that you can turn off sense , when it will drop calls. That's no fun !! haha
Sent from my Droid Incredible using Tapatalk Pro
Originally Posted by p-slim
If you think people are leaving sprint because of dropped calls then you're sadly mistaken. Also sprint isn't losing 100,000 customers a month, if so they'd be out of business. If you like paying $40 more a month to get less service go right ahead, that's your perogative. $79.99 unlimited mobile to any mobile, unlimited text, and unlimited 4g data. If everyone left sprint I could careless cause guess what ide be saving. This is 2010 man everyone including metro gets good service, at least out here in the bay area, nobody complains of dropped calls, haha you're so old skool. Now you're telling me Verizon locked your phone down again, you can't even disable sense HAHAHAHAHA.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
LOL. How'd they lock our phone down? Just because there's one little option not on there? I'm sure there's something that could have been in the OS of the evo but is not...
I'd blame HTC more than Verizon.
Besides, I like certain features of sense versus regular android, but do like certain features of android versus sense.
One question, have you used sense more than just 5-10minutes at a store?
Originally Posted by p-slim
HTC sense is a total waste of resources. This isn't winmo where its a neccesity to cover a dying OS.
You can't tell me that you're using up the ram/processor of this phone.
If so, then you need to stop looking at so much porn. :P
The last sentence was pretty funny though, not gonna lie.
Originally Posted by p-slim
You're a retard if you think HTC sense is what sold that phone. Vzw users are happy just to have a high end high spec android with the highest specs. If you think there will not be roms without sense then you're thinking process isn't correct. When the iPhone comes to vzw it will out sell the Droid by the masses does that mean its better?
+1, that didn't sell the phone for me.
I want to play with it though, has some features I like plus the extra homescreens are nice. I like having a bunch. haha.
There will be roms with and without sense.
Some might even have both (if someone makes a mod to turn it on/off).
It's just personal taste really....nothing to really argue about here so I'll leave it at that. haha